Seed List – April 2018

** UPDATE ** (14th April)
Only Items 83, 90, 102, 103, 110, 111, 112 are still AVAILABLE.

A new seed list was sent to all current members for whom we have a valid email address on April 2nd.

Updates on availability of individual items will be placed here.

This list supersedes all previous lists.

Seed List – September 2017

An additional seed list was sent by email to all current members for whom we have a valid email address on 1st September.

Due to its popularity we regret that some items are already SOLD OUT.
Items 89, 93 and 94 ARE NO LONGER AVAILABLE.

This seed list supersedes all previous lists.

Seed List – June 2017

A new seed list was sent to all members with their June 2017 issue of Haworthiad this week. The list was also sent by email to all current members for whom we have a valid email address on 15th June.

Due to unprecedented demand, we regret that many items are SOLD OUT.
Only items 61, 71, 79, 83, 84 & 87 are STILL AVAILABLE.

This seed list supersedes all previous lists.

Seed List Update

Some seeds are still available from the October 2016 list. Prices are now 25p per packet (reduced from 50p), more than one packet per type can be ordered, and sales are also open to non-members.

Update (6th April): This offer is now closed. A new list will be available for members very soon.

Exhibition at RHS Garden Hyde Hall, Essex, CM3 8ET

The Haworthia Society will be staging an exhibition of succulent plants (haworthias, gasterias, aloes and related genera) as part of an event being held on 20th-21st May 2017 at the RHS Garden Hyde Hall, CM3 8ET. There will be several displays of plants, plants and publications for sale and details of membership and our activities. For more information and directions, see the RHS website.