Oxford Show – Saturday 1st July 2023
The Show Schedule and Entry Form are now available HERE.
Seed List – November 2022
UPDATE: (21st February 2023) Availability updated, No restriction on how many packets can be ordered. Prices reduced from 50p to 25p per packet throughout.
UPDATE: (1st January 2023) This seed list is now OPEN to NON-MEMBERS as well as Members.
The November 2022 seed list is now available for members and was sent to all members for whom we have a valid email address on 27th November 2022.
This list supersedes all previous lists.
Any updates on availability will be posted here.
A weekend of lectures, displays and plant sales all in comfortable surroundings and great company.
Friday 14th – Sunday 16th October 2022 at the The Hilton Hotel, Leicester LE19 1WQ
Confirmed Speakers:
Ernst van Jaarsveld (South Africa)
Karen Zimmerman (Huntington Gardens, USA)
Jakub Jilemicky (Czech Republic)
Frantisek (Fanda) Vesely (Czech Republic)
Seed List – November 2021
The seed list has been updated with those SOLD OUT and all prices reduced from 50p to 25p.
The seed list is now open to members and non-members alike, and can be downloaded here
The November 2021 seed list is now available for members and was sent to all members for whom we have a valid email address on 6th November 2021.
This list supersedes all previous lists.
Any updates on availability will be posted here.
Seed List – April 2021
Update: Items 441 and 453 are sold out.
The April 2021 seed list is now available for members and was sent to all UK members for whom we have a valid email address on 3rd April 2021. We regret that due to current phytosanitary regulations, seeds can only be sent to UK addresses at the present time.
This list supersedes all previous lists.
Any updates on availability will be posted here.
Seed List – November 2020
UPDATE 23rd November 2020
There is now very limited availability of seeds – please enquire (see Les Pearcy email on seedlist) before ordering.
UPDATE 7th November 2020
The seed list is now open to non-members and members alike and there is no restriction on numbers of each item ordered whilst stocks last. Thank you to the menbers who have supported us so far.
The November 2020 seed list is now available for members and was sent to all members for whom we have a valid email address on 31st October 2020.
This list supersedes all previous lists.
Any updates on availability will be posted here.
Seed List – September 2020
UPDATE 30th September 2020: This list is now SOLD OUT. Thank you all for your support.
The September 2020 seed list is now available for members and was sent to all members for whom we have a valid email address on 19th September 2020.
This list supersedes all previous lists.
Any updates on availability will be posted here.
Seed List – August 2020
UPDATE: 8th August 2020. All seeds in Sections 1, 2 and 3 are SOLD OUT. Seeds in Sections 4 and 5 are still available.
The August 2020 seed list is now available for members and was sent to all members for whom we have a valid email address on 1st August 2020.
This list supersedes all previous lists.
Seed List – May 2020
This list is now also open to Non-Members. It supersedes all previous lists.