The Haworthia Society was established in 1986 by Alan Scott Akers. Since then it has expanded to include members in many countries. It is dedicated to the furtherance of knowledge and cultivation of the Aloaceae, specifically including Haworthia, Gasteria Astroloba, Aloe and Bulbines.
Membership of the Society is open to all interested individuals and institutions in all countries.
Charitable Status.
The Haworthia Society has been recognised as an Educational Charity by the HM Revenue and Customs. This means that we may claim back from the HMRC, via the “Gift Aid” scheme, the tax paid by UK members on their subscriptions – provided, of course, that we have the member’s permission. You may have noticed, on the membership renewal forms, a tick box to that effect. If you are a UK taxpayer this will incur no additional cost to yourself but will enable us to keep subscriptions down. So please tick the box if you are in a position to!
The Society publishes a Journal, Haworthiad, which appears in colour, in A5 format, three times a year in February, June and October. This is available free to members. The journal publishes articles by recognised authorities from many countries and provides a forum for discussion between members.
Society Sales
Back Numbers of most issues of Haworthiad are available for purchase by Members (In most cases these copies are originals – but a few are reprints). The first 29 volumes of Haworthiad are also available on a DVD. Binders are also available for the journal.
For more about our publications – Shop
Seed Sales
Seed supplied to the Society by recognised authorities is offered for sale (to Members only) as and when it becomes available. The lists are distributed with the journal usually twice per year.
More about the seed distribution scheme
Plant Exchange
The society used to run a plant exchange scheme it is hoped to resurrect this in some form in the future,
Biennial Conference
This is held once every two years over an autumn weekend at a UK hotel or other suitable venue. The most recent Conference (our thirteenth) was held at the Hilton Hotel in Leicester in October 2015 and, as usual, comprised international class lectures by authorities on the subject, plant sales and other events, in very pleasant surroundings. Planning has now started for the 15th Convention to be held at Leicester in Oct 2022.
Shows and Biennial General Meeting
Biennial General Meeting and Show
This event is held at Birmingham Botanic Gardens every other year, alternating with the Conference. It reports on the activities of the Society and elects the Society Officials for the following two years. There is also a Show, in conjunction with Birmingham Branch of the BCSS and trade sales stalls. The last BGM was held in October 2018.
In the same years as the Conference the Society holds a major show usually in conjunction with a BCSS Branch; this is often followed by a talk. The most recent one was held in conjunction with the BCSS Oxford Branch in August 2019. The next one also jointly with the BCSS Oxford Branch will be held in summer 2021.
Are you interested in joining the Society ?